52歌赋>英语词典>overhead railway翻译和用法

overhead railway

英 [ˌəʊvəˈhed ˈreɪlweɪ]

美 [ˌoʊvərˈhed ˈreɪlweɪ]





  • The overhead catenary is an important part of the railway system, and its fault rate is high as to the working environment.
  • Constuction of the Overhead Waiting Room of Transformation of Fuzhou Railway Station Buildings
  • By statistics of fault trip of OCS caused by the influence of overhead bridges in Harbin Railway Bureau, it analyzes the factors that cause the influence and put forward particular prevention measures and introduces the gained effective results.
  • If an overhead contact line breaks down, the involved railway lines will be greatly affected.
  • It provides a new method for laying of 10 kV overhead line in the city proper, railway station 、 forest area and industrial area where have narrower ground surfaces and more space obstacles.
  • The article introduces in brief the principles of selection of aluminium for parts of the overhead catenary system on electric railway. and how to increase the breaking toughness and decrease the tendency of stress corrosion cracking of the parts by control alloying composition and adjust technology.
  • OCS is the most directly correlative overhead equipments for the high-speed railway operate. It makes up by parts of contact hanging supporting structure and load-carrying cable etc. By the development of high-speed railway, the portal structure has gradually become develop trend for OCS supporting structure.
  • Optimization of Reconstruction Scheme of the Overlap of Overhead Contact Line of Existing Railway
  • The overhead catenary system is the main facility for power supply in electrified railway.
  • The interaction between pantograph and overhead contact line has become one of the shackles that confine the development of high-speed electrical railway.